Automating GitHub Projects

| 2 min read

Automating Projects: A Comprehensive Guide


Automating GitHub projects can significantly streamline your workflow and enhance project efficiency. In this guide, we will explore a selection of free and user-friendly tools to help you fully automate your projects. Please note that setup instructions may vary based on your specific project requirements.

Tools for Automation

1. Automatic Tests and Builds

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a powerful tool for automating builds and tests. By creating a YAML file with instructions, you can seamlessly execute tasks, such as cross-compiling your application for different operating systems. GitHub Actions also supports the execution of applications, allowing you to build and test your code effortlessly. More details can be found here.

2. Check Test Coverage


Combine GitHub Action tests with Codecov to keep track of test coverage in your code. Codecov provides insights into how much of your code is covered by tests, ensuring comprehensive testing. You can find Codecov in the GitHub Marketplace, and additional information is available here.

3. Automatic Dependency Management

Dependency management can be challenging, but tools like Dependabot and Renovate Bot can help.


Dependabot not only notifies you of available updates but also manages dependencies by creating branches and pull requests. It alerts you about vulnerabilities in external dependencies. Learn more here.

Renovate Bot

Renovate Bot provides more control over dependency updates. It allows you to gauge the potential impact of new dependencies and easily set up Automerge for automatic pull request merging. Learn about Renovate Bot here.

4. Automatic Anomaly Detection

When collaborating on code, it's crucial to detect anomalies in pull requests. GitHub provides tools to address this issue.


In addition to managing dependencies, Dependabot can alert you to vulnerabilities in external dependencies. Be cautious about its depth in the dependency tree. More details can be found here.


CodeQL focuses on finding vulnerabilities within your code. It runs on each commit and pull request, providing a green check for successful analysis. Check out CodeQL here.

5. Automatic Translations Fetching

If your project involves translations, make the process smoother with Crowdin.


Crowdin simplifies translation management by syncing translations from GitHub to its dashboard. Translators can contribute without interacting with GitHub directly. Learn more about Crowdin here.

6. Automatic Benchmarks

Consider using Bencher to collect and display performance data.


Bencher allows you to gather performance data from various sources and set performance change limits. It's a valuable tool for monitoring project performance. Explore Bencher here.


While these tools may take time to set up, the long-term benefits of automation are substantial. Choose tools based on your project's needs, and enjoy the time and effort saved. Providing direct feedback on changes' impact, ensuring security, and keeping translations up-to-date are essential aspects of a well-maintained project. Experiment with these tools, and discover the automation strategy that best suits your workflow.